Work With A Proven, Aggressive Virginia Gun Rights Attorney
Are you a hunter who can no longer enjoy the sport because you’ve lost your gun rights? Over the years, from my law firm Wiegandt & Doubles, P.C., in Fincastle, I, attorney Mac Doubles, have successfully aided many clients across Roanoke County, Botetourt County and other areas of Southwest Virginia in having their gun rights restored. Even if you were charged or convicted of a felony and lost your gun rights at both the commonwealth and federal levels, I am ready to help you start now reclaiming your Second Amendment rights after your criminal case has reached its conclusion.
You do need a lawyer to complete the process of petitioning for the restoration of your gun rights. Read on to understand why.
Steps For Petitioning To Have Gun Rights Restored
The first step you must take in getting back your gun rights after losing them is to petition to have your civil rights restored. You can complete this part of the process on your own if you wish, by petitioning the governor of Virginia directly. The form for the petition can be found on the governor’s website. (There are two forms to choose from, depending on the felony.) Although this is a prerequisite, the governor’s restoration of your civil rights does not restore your gun rights. Once you have cleared this hurdle, you will need a lawyer for the next step.
After your civil rights are restored, you may petition the circuit court where you reside, or where you were convicted of the felony, to have your gun rights restored. This process involves several steps, as follows:
- Petitioning the court
- Supplying fingerprints
- Undergoing a criminal record check
To get started, you may contact a court representative or visit the website of the appropriate circuit court for instructions. In addition, you should understand your responsibility to furnish evidence of your eligibility to the Department of State Police Firearms Transaction Center. To ensure that you complete all these and other steps in detail according to the law, work closely with an experienced attorney.
Most courts require a hearing, and the local commonwealth’s attorney has the opportunity to weigh in on the request. I am experienced and available to prepare you and represent you in your hearing before the circuit court if one is required. I am a dedicated, established defense lawyer with former experience as a prosecutor. I understand how to document cases and speak directly to the points about which my client’s opposing side needs clear persuasive information.
No Need To Delay Pursuing Restoration Of Your Right To Bear Arms
Reach me by email or call 540-254-0172 to learn how I can defend you after you have been charged with a crime involving a weapon or if you are under investigation for a felony that may result in the loss of your gun rights. Once your defense and/or completion of penalties is behind you, I will help expedite the necessary process to get your gun rights restored in time for the next hunting season if at all possible.